Diversity of Animal Life

Welcome to our class blog for our unit on the diversity of life. By exploring the websites connected to this blog and completing the activities, you will become familiar with nine major groups of animals. You will learn how organisms within a group are related, the names and description of representative organisms for each group, and the essential similarities and differences among groups. You will also have an opportunity to investigate recent controversies about relationships among some familiar animals and blog on their potential to change how we think about the world.

Happy exploring!

Humans 101

A natural place for us to begin our investigation of animal diversity is with our own species.  Who are we in the animal kingdom?  We like to think of ourselves as unique and of course, we are--yet we share common ancestry to a greater or lesser degree with all other animals.  What does that mean?  We will begin to find out by investigating the classification of humans. To understand better what we share in common at each level of the classification hierarchy, research the distinguishing features for each taxon in our family tree. Click here for a quick review of classification and how humans are classified. Then click here for details about each level of classification.  A description of what is due for this and all other assignments is given below and to the right (in blue).

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